High quality baby toys for the little ones
In the important decision to find the right baby toys and toys parents are often spoiled for choice. Toys for babies are specially tailored to the needs of their offspring and of course meet all EU standards and specifications and are therefore completely free of harmful substances. This is a matter of course for us at Minicatwalk. But we go even further, because baby toys should not only be practical, but also high quality, beautiful and meaningful. Little children discover their world through play from the first month, so it is very important from the very beginning that the right toy is ready and of such high quality that it can be used or even inherited for many years to come. In our Minicatwalk store you will therefore find a wide selection of toys for babies, such as wooden toys, baby rattles, pull-along toys and cuddly toys in different sizes. Discover our lovingly compiled selection of safe and beautiful toys!
Beautiful and special baby toys
When looking for the right toys for your baby, you should always pay close attention to the quality, because especially in the first months of your favorite, it is important that only high-quality materials and substances reach the baby's skin and mouth. Baby toys from 0 months should always be free of harmful substances, so we at Minicatwalk Shop always make sure that only the best materials are used in our products.
Soothing baby toy from 3 months
A wonderfully soothing toy for babies is the popular music box, which you can already use great during pregnancy, because your child will remember these sounds even after birth. As soon as your baby can grasp something and see properly, we recommend the wonderful world of Grimm's wooden toys, many products have even been awarded the Spielgut seal and offer a wonderful recognition value for your child through the colorfulness of the building blocks, pull-along animals and plug-in puzzles. For the first baby teeth, which often come with some teething pain, small teething rings and baby rattles are very suitable to distract your child and take a little pain playfully.